red light therapy for scarsred light therapy for scars

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How Red Light Therapy Helps Fade Scars

by Jazmine Roxas | September 06, 2023
Red Light Therapy (RLT) has been a subject of interest in the medical community for quite some time now. Originating from NASA’s experiments to grow plants in space, this technology has found its way into diverse health and wellness applications. Primarily, RLT serves as a non-invasive treatment to heal wounds, improve skin conditions, and alleviate pain among other uses.

red light therapy for acne scars

The Science Behind Red Light Therapy

Delving into the science of red light therapy helps us understand its effectiveness on scar tissue. We explore how red light interacts with cells to accelerate healing, specifically focusing on cellular mechanisms that impact scar visibility and texture.

How Does RLT Work?

At its core, red light therapy operates within the wavelength spectrum of light. Essentially, this means that red light has a particular wavelength that interacts with human cells in a unique way. When exposed to this type of light, cellular activity shifts, specifically within the energy-producing mitochondria. Here, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the cell, is produced more efficiently, thereby enhancing cellular functions.

RLT and Scar Tissue Regeneration

You might wonder how this is relevant to red light therapy for scars. The enhanced ATP production leads to accelerated healing processes within the skin. Among other things, red light therapy for scar tissue aids in collagen production and promotes tissue repair. This in turn leads to faster cellular turnover, reducing inflammation and eventually minimizing the appearance of scars.

Types of Scars That Benefit From Red Light Therapy

Wondering if your specific type of scar will respond well to red light therapy? In this part, we will discuss the variety of scars that can be improved with this innovative treatment, including acne scars, surgical scars, and even stretch marks.
  • Acne Scars - For those struggling with the aftermath of acne, there's good news. Red light therapy for acne scars has shown promising results in both clinical studies and anecdotal reports. The therapy enhances the skin’s natural healing process, reducing the visibility of scars. While not a quick fix, consistent treatment can lead to noticeable improvements over time.
  • Surgical Scars - If you’ve recently had surgery, you may want to consider red light therapy on scars from the incisions. Clinical studies have demonstrated the treatment’s efficacy in accelerating the healing process for surgical scars, making them less visible and more pliable over time.
  • Stretch Marks - This therapy isn't limited to just surgical or acne-related scarring. If stretch marks are a concern, red light therapy helps improve skin elasticity. Various testimonials and research back its effectiveness on reducing the appearance of stretch marks.

red light therapy for scar tissue

What To Expect When Undergoing RLT

Entering the world of red light therapy can be both exciting and a little daunting. We’ll break down what a typical RLT session involves, how often you should consider treatment, and what kind of results you can realistically expect.

Session Duration

When you think about getting red light therapy, it's good to know how long each session might take. On average, one session doesn't take too long – just about 15 to 20 minutes. That's roughly the same time you might spend on a short break, listening to a few songs, or even preparing a quick meal. But how often should you undergo this therapy?
Well, that often depends on the seriousness of your skin issues, especially if you're looking to treat scars. If you ask most professionals who provide this treatment, they'll likely suggest starting with at least two to three sessions every week. This frequency is what's commonly recommended in the beginning to truly see the benefits.


Now, let's talk about when you can expect to see some changes in your skin after starting red light therapy. People are unique, and so is their skin. For some, positive changes in the skin's texture and the appearance of scars can be seen in just a few weeks. However, for others, it might be a slower journey taking a couple of months.
But here's the encouraging part: both short-term improvements and lasting benefits have been observed by many who've tried it. This suggests that not only can the therapy help with immediate concerns, but using at home red light therapy devices can be a great way to keep up with skin maintenance over time.

Safety and Considerations

As with any medical or cosmetic treatment, safety should be your top priority. We'll explore the safety aspects of red light therapy, including FDA approvals and potential side effects, along with pre-treatment considerations you should be aware of.

Is RLT Safe?

Safety is of utmost importance whenever we think about undergoing any form of medical or therapeutic treatment. Red light therapy, often known simply as RLT, is no exception. The good news is that the FDA, a major authority in the health sector, has given its approval for various types of red light therapy wand devices specifically for skin treatments. These treatments can address various skin concerns, including the repair of scars. It's worth noting that while many people have seen benefits from using RLT, there are some potential side effects.
However, these are typically mild in nature. Most commonly, some individuals might experience a temporary redness on their skin after undergoing the treatment. Interestingly, similar light treatments like blue light for acne have also gained popularity in recent years.

Considerations Before Undergoing RLT

If you're thinking about trying out RLT, there are some things you should consider. First and foremost, always remember to seek advice from healthcare professionals. Whether you're planning to purchase your own red light wand or you're thinking of scheduling a session at a professional clinic, it's always best to get a medical opinion. Although RLT is generally considered safe, there might be certain conditions or medications that don't go well with this treatment. Just as with the use of blue light for acne or other treatments, it's crucial to understand any possible contraindications to ensure your safety.

red light therapy on scars

Advantages Over Other Scar Treatment Methods

Why choose RLT over other scar treatments? This section will compare RLT's advantages, such as reduced pain and lack of chemicals, to traditional methods, demonstrating why it's gaining popularity for scar treatment.
  • Reduced Pain - Many scar treatments can be painful or uncomfortable. That's where red light therapy shines. Using a red light face wand minimizes the discomfort associated with scar treatments, making it a far more pleasant experience.
  • Lack of Chemicals - Traditional scar treatments often involve chemicals or topical ointments. In contrast, red light therapy for face doesn't require any such additions, giving you a natural and effective treatment option.
  • Non-Invasive Nature - The appeal of RLT also lies in its non-intrusive technique. Unlike surgical interventions, there is no downtime and recovery is instant. This feature adds to the allure of red light facial wand treatments that can be carried out in the comfort of your home.
Red light therapy presents a scientifically-backed option for those looking to minimize the appearance of scars, be they from acne, surgery, or even stretch marks. With benefits such as reduced pain, lack of chemicals, and a non-invasive nature, RLT holds advantages over many traditional methods.
If you're still contemplating your options, consider this as your cue to give RLT a try. After all, a smoother, clearer skin could just be a red light away.

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